Fathers Fighting 4 Fathers Inc.
And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to
their children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers.
Make a Difference Today
Community Outreach Initiatives
Here are the services we provide: 1. Mentoring for First-Time Moms & Dads - A supportive program designed to guide new parents through the early stages of parenthood. 2. Responsible Fatherhood 101 - A 90-day program focused on empowering fathers with essential skills and knowledge. 3. Family Unit Wellness - Initiatives aimed at promoting health and wellness within the family. 4. Art and Wellness - Programs that integrate creative expression with mental and emotional well-being. 5. Wellness and Health - Comprehensive health programs tailored for families. 6. Domestic Violence Awareness - Community outreach initiatives focused on prevention support. 7. Community Outreach Engagement with Parents - Building connections and resources for parents in the community. 8. Family First Financial Planning - Financial guidance and planning services tailored to family needs. 9. Proactive Youth Parent Initiative - A program designed to build strong relationships between parents and their children. Let me know if you need any further assistance!
1. Mentoring for First-Time Moms & Dads - A supportive program designed to guide new parents through the early stages of parenthood.
2. Responsible Fatherhood 101 - A 90-day program focused on empowering fathers with essential skills and knowledge.
3. Family Unit Wellness - Initiatives aimed at promoting health and wellness within the family.
4. Art and Wellness - Programs that integrate creative expression with mental and emotional well-being.
5. Wellness and Health - Comprehensive health programs tailored for families.
6. Domestic Violence Awareness - Community outreach initiatives focused on prevention support.
7. Community Outreach Engagement with Parents - Building connections and resources for parents in the community.
8. Family First Financial Planning - Financial guidance and planning services tailored to family needs.
9. Proactive Youth Parent (14 to 35) Initiative- A program designed to build strong relationships between parents and their children.
Father's Presence and How We Can Help
Research shows that a loving and nurturing father improves outcomes for children, families, and communities. Fathers who live with their children are often more likely to have a close, enduring relationship with their children. Even if you do not reside in the same home as your children, you can still play an active role in their lives and form a close bond. Studies suggest that children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy, and pro-social behavior, and avoid high-risk behaviors including drug use, missing school, and criminal activity.
Father involvement is guided by the following principles:
All fathers can be important contributors to the well-being of their children.
Parents are partners in raising their children, even when they do not live in the same household.
The roles fathers play in families is diverse and related to cultural and community norms.
Men should receive the education and support necessary to prepare them for the responsibility of parenthood.
Here are some tips and promising practices for staying present in your child’s life.
Making a Visitation Schedule Work for Your Family. Are you divorced or separated? Do you only see your kids on weekends? This can be one of the greatest challenges you face as a father. Give your children the time it takes to adjust and make them feel at home. If you have new living arrangements, provide them their own if possible.
Stay involved, even from a distance. For a variety of reasons, many dads do not see their children on a regular basis. As a result, you may have to redefine your role and responsibilities as a father. Staying aware of your children's needs and interests is an important step in remaining connected. Dads who are incarcerated may have greater difficulty tracking their children’s development and activities but can find ways to stay involved.
Become involved in all aspects of your child’s life. The presence of both parents is important for a child’s development. Fathers are doing much more hands-on caregiving now than they did a generation ago. Fathers previously were more involved in play, particularly physical play and “rough and tumble” play. You can get involved by changing diapers, getting up with your child at night, reading books, telling stories, taking your child to the doctor, sharing drop-offs and pick-ups, and helping with homework.​